Private Enterprise

Trilink BioTechnologies

G|M recently elevated Trilink Biotechnologies' workplace by creating a bright, cohesive and modern space.

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The project began in 2019 when Trilink came to G|M looking for help in relocating to a larger and more open space that would better support the type of work their employees were doing. Their existing site was fragmented and they wanted to create a space that would encourage cross-collaboration amongst departments. Trilink, who operates under Maravai LifeSciences, also wanted to ensure that their new space was brighter and more modern, showcasing their brand, values, and culture.

G|M partnered with McFarlane Architects to get the job done. The project consists of 108 workstations, 18 touch down stations, 12 private offices, three reconfigurable training rooms, two breakrooms, three phone rooms, a game room, and a variety of collaborative settings. G|M created a typical and a variety of furniture settings to encourage employees to not only collaborate more, but to build relationships, by providing plenty of areas for teams to huddle and breakout. The project was led by G|M’s Workplace Consultant, Kandice Judson, and she was thrilled with the outcome.

“Seeing the end result and watching the building go from under-construction to the final install was definitely the most exciting aspect of this project,” said Judson. “It was incredible to see the fruit of my team’s labor come to fruition. The teamwork on this project was fantastic and the project was truly a success.”

This new facility has allowed TriLink to grow their manufacturing capabilities exponentially, which will likely continue to grow in light of COVID-19. Their products fuel the R&D community and they have unsurpassed quality which is attracting even more customers who are also turning to local sources instead of China.

This project was selected by the International Interior Design Association (IIDA) of Southern California as a finalist for the prestigious Calibre Design Awards, and was also selected as a finalist for the San Diego Business Journal’s Commercial Real Estate Design Awards in San Diego.

Photos provided by Trilink BioTechnologies

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