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  • Using WELL As A Guide For Healthy Workplace Environment Design

Using WELL As A Guide For Healthy Workplace Environment Design

How "healthy" is your workplace design?

News Using WELL As A Guide For Healthy Workplace

Workplace environment design threats often trigger thoughts of toxic chemicals or operating dangerous equipment, but there are daily risks that impact almost every office. Office workers are at risk of the effects of hours of poor posture, no exposure to natural lighting, and uninterrupted stress. Designing for health is good for productivity, retention, and the employees. It’s also something they’ve come to expect.

"We spend about 90 percent of our time indoors, and our physical environment impacts our health more than lifestyle, medical care and genetics. For companies, investing in people and helping to improve their physical and mental health is common sense."


Using WELL As A Guide For Healthy Workplace Environment Design

Read full article at www.WorkDesign.com.
