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  • Office Design Has A Role To Play In Reflecting Neurological Differences

Office Design Has A Role To Play In Reflecting Neurological Differences

Is your workplace neurodiverse?

News Neurological Differences

In recent years, we have seen a growing civil rights movement focused on change in the workplace and in terms of office design, revolving around differences in brain function. Advocates for neurodiversity say that it’s just as critical to business success as gender or racial diversity in the labour force.

The workplace has become significantly more accessible and diverse in recent years, recognizing that one size does not fit all. There have been many discussions about accommodating both introverts and extroverts, supporting the needs of different generations and encouraging people to thrive in different situations.

The word ´neurodiversity´ is often used to describe variations in the human brain regarding sociability, learning, attention, mood and other mental functions – a workplace in which all participants can contribute to the best of their ability will inevitably be the most productive. Given that we are starting to place value on diverse approaches in the workplace it is also important to think about how the workplace can be better supportive of the widest group of contributors.

Office Design Has A Role To Play In Reflecting Neurological Differences

Read full article on www.WorkplaceInsight.net
