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Move Over Stress: An Engaged Workplace Is Set To Perform

How is your stress level? Would you like to change your stress level?

News Move Over Stress

Whether it is work, personal, family or friends there are so many different areas of our life where stress can creep in. The reality of this question is that only one in four people will say they are not stressed. In preparing for a presentation to the IFMA World Workplace conference, EUA launched a third party survey to gather input from over 500 employed people across the US. The study examined employee satisfaction levels in relation to their work environment as well as how they viewed their work-related stress levels. Our survey found that 75 percent of respondents reported moderate to high work-related stress levels. We correlated stress levels to those who check emails and perform tasks outside of normal work hours (moderate) to those who stay late and work outside of normal working hours regularly to keep up with the business demands (high).

The rampant spread of stress in relation to work, specifically, Burnout Syndrome, is a serious issue that is being more openly discussed around the world. Earlier this year the World Health Organization (WHO) identified Burnout Syndrome as an occupational phenomenon in the international classification of diseases. The WHO describes Burnout Syndrome as feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion, lack of engagement in one’s job and reduced efficacy or accomplishment.

Move Over Stress: An Engaged Workplace Is Set To Perform

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