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  • Audiovisual Technology And The Future Of Workplace Branding

Audiovisual Technology And The Future Of Workplace Branding

Has your office embraced the AV trend?

News Audiovisual Technology And Future of Workplace Branding

Audiovisual technology is a vital component of modern workplace design that reaches far beyond the traditional capabilities of office monitors and speakers. The number of audiovisual technologies that can augment a space or provide a new design opportunity is growing year-over-year, and thus it’s more important than ever for workplace design professionals to consider how these new tools can improve a space’s utility and aesthetics.

The case studies referenced here highlight how various technologies are enabling companies to optimize space with smaller video conferencing rooms, engage employees and visitors with branded interactive experiences, create war-room like spaces with dozens of instantly responsive displays and even improve employee health and well-being through lighting automation.

Audiovisual Technology And The Future Of Workplace Branding

Read full article at www.WorkDesign.com.
