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  • Blending Community and Culture in the Workplace

Blending Community and Culture in the Workplace

Does the design of your office environment tell your company's story?

News Blending Community Primary

Companies in the creative and entertainment world face a unique challenge: how do they bring us enriching entertainment experiences as well as build and support their own creative culture? Today, these companies are focusing much more on using their spaces to craft an experience for their employees that is unique to their brand, as well as provide technologically advanced and awe-inspiring places that not only reinforce employee satisfaction, but also serve as the backdrop for the visitor experience.

As a result, the designers and their clients who work together to imagine these spaces need to consider two primary goals: setting the stage to attract and retain top creative talent and using the space to showcase the company’s culture with an immersive experience for employees and clients alike. To truly create spaces that not only reflect the brand, but set a company apart, some designers often find inspiration from their expertise in other industries, such as arts and cultural institutions, to help companies create a narrative that tells their story while addressing the other important factors in the evolving modern workplace.

Blending Community and Culture in the Workplace

Read the full article on WorkDesign.com.
