G|M Virtual Pumpkin Decorating Contest 2021

It's spooky season! Please join us in two exciting virtual Halloween contests for a chance to win!

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G|M Halloween Virtual Contest 2021

It's spooky season and we want to see your pumpkin design skills put to work! With Halloween just around the corner, we are excited to host a Virtual Pumpkin Decorating Contest and the theme this year is “Movies.”

Pumpkins can be carved, painted, or decorated in any other way you fancy – but all pumpkins must have some tie to a movie of your choosing.

Go big or ghord home.

Pumpkin Decorating Contest - "Movies" Theme

Enter to participate here then follow the steps below!

Pumpkins and decorating supplies pic

Step 1: Get the supplies

Purchase a pumpkin and any decorating supplies you wish! The pumpkin can be any color, shape, or size and you may use any added decor. You may choose to carve, paint, glue, or whatever else you wish!

Pumpkin painting party 18

Design & decorate 

Get creative! You can carve, paint, or use any other decorations you wish to complete your pumpkin creation. C'mon...let's give em' pumpkin to talk about. ;)

71163106 Person Taking Picture Of Pumpkin In Smartphone

Step 3: Snap a photo

Take a photo of your pumkin creation and send it to marketing@gmbi.net, using the subject title: "Pumpkin Decorating Contest 2021" and be sure to include the movie your pumpkin was inspired by. All submissions must be turned in by Sunday, October 24 at 11:59 p.m.

Prize Categories

Prize Categories:

* Best Overall – 1st Place: $100 gift card
* Best Overall – 2nd Place: $50 gift card
* Best Overall – 3rd Place: $25 gift card
* Most Creative: $25 gift card
* Crowd Favorite: $25 gift card
* Honorable Mention: $25 gift card

All submissions will be judged by a panel of judges, and the winners will be announced the following week. Marketing will select a few of the pumpkins to share on social channels for crowd favorite!